National Farmers Market Week
It’s National Farmers Market Week. Over the last eighteen years the number of farmers markets across the country has consistently increased, with the USDA now registering 7,864. That’s an increase of 6,120 farmers markets since 1994. In celebration and recognition of National Farmers Market Week the American Farmland Trust has launched an online leader board revealing the top 20 farmers markets that are leading their Favorite Farmers Markets contest. The contest started in June and will continue through September 3rd. The Pacific Northwest is home to some of the finest farmers markets in the country and as consumers we need to acknowledge that fact. So go online and vote for your favorite farmers market. With just the simple click of a mouse you’ll have taken one more step in supporting your local farmers and farmers markets. And if any of you farmers out there have an “inner writer” itching to get out, be sure to submit an essay stating why you think farmers markets matter to your farm and family, and your community. Who knows, you might just win the Farmers Market Inspiration Award - a $1thousand “inspiration”.