Cherry Crop Update

Cherry Crop Update

Cherry Crop Update. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

Rain in eastern Washington has sure kept cherry producers on their toes as the 2012 cherry harvest moves into full swing. BJ Thurlby, President of the Washington State Fruit Commission and NW Cherries.

THURLBY: Certainly the last 5 days or so here in the northwest haven’t been perfect cherry growing weather and for the most part we’ve had scattered showers. Yesterdays (Tuesdays) rain lasted a little bit longer than we would have liked but I spent some time talking to growers across the 5 states and it sounds to me like, yes there some damage but it’s manageable damage and we’re thinking on the high side - 10%.

He says a lot of orchards are seeing about 5% damage so there is still a good crop.

THURLBY: We’re just hoping that Mother Nature will step up and deal these growers a little bit better hand. I mean it has really been a challenge. We haven’t really caught a break yet so far this season as far as growers go. So we’re hoping that the next 7-days of predicted sunshine is a reality because we can certainly use it.

To date Thurlby says there has been about 3-million boxes of cherries picked.

THURLBY: I know the growers are doing everything they can do to get the right cherries off the tree and get them to the market. I’ve spent some time out in orchards and I was actually last week doing some Brix testing and the good news is we’ve got really good sugars in this fruit and from here on out we’re hoping that we have smooth sailing.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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