Slap In the Face
Do you suppose Bank of America realizes their partnering with the Humane Society of the United States is a “slap in the face” to all their customers that make their living within the agricultural community. Recently, B of A announced the release of a new HSUS-themed credit card. This new credit card provides the radical animal rights organization $60 for every new account opened, and an additional 25 cents for every $100 spent. B of A also offers an HSUS checking account. This account generates contributions with every debit card purchase. People have already spent thousands of dollars using these “exclusive” HSUS cards, with the misdirected thought that their spending is helping local animal shelters. Ironically, the Animal Agriculture Alliance is a Bank of America customer. The AAA wrote a letter to B of A requesting the bank stop funding animal rights organizations that seek to eliminate animal agriculture, and that “it would reconsider its relationship with Bank of America if it continued to support groups that unfairly attack the way of life of America's farmers and ranchers”. Not surprisingly, a response has not been received.