Latest Red Meat Study
Interesting that Walter Willett, the primary researcher in the latest study linking red meat and premature mortality, admits to the weakness of his own food related research, which relied on surveys. Basically, a more accurate study would not rely on the memory recall of study participants. Basing research data on participants' recollections of what they consumed months prior to the actual study date is flawed at best. I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday, let alone weeks ago. Willet admits that ‘the ideal study would take 100,000 people and randomly assign some to eating several servings of red meat a day and randomize the others to not consume red meat - then follow them for several decades”. But that type of study is impossible due to funding and lack of study participant volunteers. So, if accurate and complete research in the course of a study on consuming red meat is not possible, how can such a conclusion be reached and released to the public? Willett has himself stated that red meat consumption is not the whole picture when comparing mortality rates of the 1950’s and today.