Oregon's Farmers Ending Hunger Awarded $25,000 Grant
Oregon’s Farmers Ending Hunger Awarded $25,000 Grant
I’m KayDee Gilkey with the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report.
Oregon’s Farmers Ending Hunger recently received a $25,000 contribution to support its Farm to Food Box program. For those of you not familiar with this amazing organization, farmers and ranchers from all over Oregon donate a portion of the food commodities they raise, and through organization’s Adopt-an-Acre program they seek the operating funds from the public necessary to harvest and process those same crops into frozen and canned food products that are easily stored and utilized, then distribute them to the hungry through Oregon Food Bank’s regional network.
Farmers Ending Hunger Executive Director John Burt shares more about the grant.
Burt: “Walmart committed $2 billion --that is with a ‘B’-- dollars to hunger across the U.S. They allocate this out by statewide giving councils. So we applied for the funds to do what we do and they gave us a $25,000 grant which is just incredible.”
Burt says Farmers Ending Hunger will use the Walmart Foundation’s grant to supplement the additional costs associated with product assemblage and distribution. In total, the grant will help to sort, process, package, store and transport 175,000 pounds of pancake mix and 4,000 pounds of hamburger to the Oregon Food Bank to be distributed and served in food boxes for hungry Oregonians. One million food boxes were delivered last year.
I’m KayDee Gilkey with the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report on the Northwest Ag Information Network
Additional information on the Farmers Ending Hunger is available online at farmersendinghunger.com.