Getting To Know Your Neighbor
When was the last time you chatted with your neighbor over the backyard fence? Can’t remember? You’re not alone. A new Pew Research study cites that more than fifty percent of us don’t even know our neighbors names. Socializing strictly through the media has obviously made us a nation that now prefers to socialize alone. In an attempt to recapture the days of actually knowing your neighbor, the first private social network for neighborhoods, called Nextdoor, was created. It's designed to help neighbors connect and communicate online about important information, services, and goings-on in their specific communities. Around for about a year now it’s quickly caught on, and now includes over two hundred neighborhoods in forty-three states. Each site is owned and maintained by locals actually living in the neighborhood, with neighbors choosing how much information they want to disclose on their personal profiles. While not ideal, it is after all still communicating through social media instead of actual face to face communication, it’s at least a start. Perhaps it will prompt people to truly get to know the neighbors behind the on-line profiles.