Painting It Pink

Painting It Pink

Painting It Pink. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

On Monday a new contest and promotion was kicked off that promises to bring a bit of blush to your life. Alan Taylor with Pink Lady America talks about the contest.

TAYLOR: As we do our best to build an emotional attachment to the Pink Lady brand a number of things come into play and one of those is its color, it’s pink color. And we’ve found a really neat way, we think, to promote that. It’s called Paint It Pink. It involves the color of the apple and having consumers paint a scene which we think will be something unique and including Pink Lady apples, videotaping it and then sending it to us.

Taylor says they were looking for a way to involve You Tube and that kind of hopefully viral marketing. The addition of a partnership with Sherwin Williams is a big plus.

TAYLOR: We were talking to them in the beginning and they decided to be partners in this program with their 400 stores from coast to coast and they also created a new shade of pink called Pink Lady pink.

You have a bit of time to get your paint and put together your video.

TAYLOR: The color as I understand it will be available through May which is the length of the contest and the shade of pink that Sherwin Williams has, the Pink Lady pink, is also available at a 10% discount so it’s another reason to go in and grab some paint and paint something pink and eat a Pink Lady apple while you’re doing it.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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