Animal Cruelty Felony Provision
At first glance it may seem that the Idaho Cattle Association has taken a “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” stance with their groups effort to add a felony provision to the state’s animal welfare law in 2012, but in reality it is more akin to “heading them off at the pass”. The Humane Society of the United States has been on a nation wide animal rights campaign over the last several years, methodically going from state to state pushing expensive animal welfare ballot initiatives that have for the most part been highly successful in convincing voters while concealing the group’s true motives; costing farmers and ranchers millions of dollars in reform changes. Idaho has been targeted by the HSUS because it’s one of the few states left that doesn’t have a felony provision for animal cruelty; every reason then for ranchers and farmers in that state to be proactive in hopes that the HSUS will not pursue an animal welfare ballot in the state. In dealing with the HSUS farmers and ranchers have learned to be very cautious and to not take things at face value. As the old saying goes, “keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer”.