Cattle Rustling & More on Horse Slaughter
Cattle Rustling & More on Horse Slaughter plus Food Forethought. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Northwest Report.
Horse owners and industry officials say it may be a long time - if ever - before horse slaughtering resumes in the U.S. An appropriations bill passed by Congress includes funding for USDA inspection of horses at slaughtering plants - something that has not been allowed since 2007. North Dakota ranch wife Jeri Dobrowski has been working since then to allow the resumption of horse slaughter. She says many horse owners saw the spending legislation as a major victory.
DOBROWSKI: They’re very excited. They see it as we’ve got inspections back. We’re going to be able to get some plants up and we’re going to be able to take care of those horse here within the United States instead of sending them to Mexico and to Canada. We’re going to be able to then have export dollars; we’re going to be able to have jobs.
With cattle prices soaring over $2000 a head one group has been taking advantage of the wide open spaces in the west. Cattle rustlers. No, not just something out of a Louis L’Amour novel. Reports of cattle theft are on the rise. Lynn Gibson an Idaho state brand inspector says cattle theft has been increasing for the past three years. Gibson says it is a hard crime to track because ranchers turn their cows out for months at a time. Often ranchers don't know cattle are missing until they finish their round ups. Officials cite the down economy for the increase in rustling.
Now with today’s Food Forethought, here’s Lacy Gray.
Thanksgiving is behind us, as well as Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Those of us unable or unwilling to battle the crowds in order to fulfill our holiday shopping through price slashing deals must now continue to hunt for that often elusive of items, the affordable yet memorable gift. Here’s a thought, why not consider giving that special someone the gift of a local food item in the form of fresh produce, baked goods, wines, cheeses, or any number of other fresh artisan goodies. By contacting local farmers directly or even easier yet, going through online services such as Sustainable Produce Urban Delivery, SPUD for short, fresh local foods can be delivered right to the recipients front door, and even custom made food baskets to match personal preferences are available. So there you have it. It is possible to give an edible gift during the holidays that’s healthy and tasty, plus you would be doing “double gift giving” so to speak by supporting local agriculture and artisans. While there’s nothing wrong with that traditional tie you give to Uncle Albert or the basket of bath salts to Aunt Sally, it might be fun to surprise them this year.
Thanks Lacy. That’s today’s Northwest Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.