Bag Battle
Remember here while back the lawsuit issued by plastic bag manufacturers against a reusable bag maker. Yeah, pretty silly huh? Apparently the courts thought so too. Two out of the three disposable plastic bag manufacturers have dropped their case, while the third has settled out of court, and even managed to take it “in the shorts” so to speak. Seems when push comes to shove in the documented data department the reusable bag maker came out on top by providing more than enough accepted data on the environmental impact of single use plastic bags to defend their case. A person does wonder how the plastic bag manufacturers thought they could win this one in the first place. One only has to look around them to see proof positive that disposable plastic bags have a detrimental affect on the environment; they are littered everywhere. In fact, right now I see that I will have to get my ladder out to go collect one out of a tree in my backyard. And no, it wasn’t mine. Thankfully, more and more cities around the world are adopting plastic bag bans or initiating a plastic bag tax. It may not be popular with some consumers, but it certainly makes sense.