Cydectin Honors Troops

Cydectin Honors Troops

Susan Allen
Susan Allen

Welcome to Open Range, I’m Susan Allen. Stay tuned because after the break I’ll check in with our field reporter, Greg Martin for the AgriBeef Minute.

I’m Greg Martin with the Open Range AgriBeef Minute. Taking care of our wounded soldiers is something everyone should have a hand in and that is what the Wounded Warrior program is all about.

MILLER: Basically it’s purpose is to raise awareness, enlist the pubics aide, as well as other service members aide to the injured needs of these service men and women that are coming back from the war.

Steve Miller is the Regional Manager for Boehringer Ingelheim who is currently running a promotion aiding the Wounded Warrior.

MILLER: We tied this to our Cydectin product which is basically a cattle de-wormer. It kills internal/external parasites so we thought ok how can we tie this to something that would be appealing. The supporting campaign is called “Honor the Troops.” It shows our returning troops just how grateful we are for their service.

Miller says they know a lot of the soldiers are farmers and this is a way they can reach out with something they know and are familiar with.

MILLER: Through May we are offering to give a dollar per liter of product purchased directly to the program so we’ve put money up front as a national sponsor and then we are putting an additional dollar per liter to go towards this program.

He says they hope to expand the program to their other products. I’m Greg Martin and that’s today’s AgriBeef Minute.

Thanks Greg. Don’t forget Greg will be back each Wednesday with the AgriBeef Minute. Agri Beef Co - Real Families, Great People, Exceptional Beef. I’m Susan Allen.

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