MannaPack Potato Meals & Cantaloupe Recall
MannaPack Potato Meals & Cantaloupe Recall. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Northwest Report.
As part of National Ag Week, Syngenta employees, family and friends packed over 178-thousand servings of Feed My Starving Children MannaPack Potato meals. MannaPack Potato servings are formulated to prevent starvation in children using dehydrated potatoes, vitamins and minerals. David Fraser, United States Potato Board, Vice President of Industry Communications and Policy discusses the commitment of Syngenta to the U.S. potato industry.
FRASER: The commitment of Syngenta to the U.S. potato industry means a lot and especially means a lot to these growers and the growers that are here today. They see it, they buy Syngenta products but to have Syngenta involved with them at a different level, it says a lot about the commitment of the company.
About 60,000 cantaloupes distributed to Costco stores, including those in Idaho, have been recalled due to salmonella contamination concerns. The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare said there are no confirmed Idaho cases linked to the products, but warned consumers to return the cantaloupes to stores for a refund or dispose of them. The Del Monte cantaloupes were sold between March 10-21, in beige mesh plastic sleeves containing three melons each. The melons may be contaminated with salmonella Panama, a bacteria that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in the young, elderly and infirm.
Now here’s today’s Washington Grange report.
That’s today’s Northwest Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.