Tree Assistance Program

Tree Assistance Program

Tree Assistance Program. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report 

The last 2 months of 2010 were hard for tree fruit and grape growers in the northwest weather-wise. Many growers received damage of their trees and vines and Patrick Lewis with the Spokane Farm Service Agency says you can apply to get some relief through the Tree Assistance Program or TAP.

LEWIS: TAP is one of the 2008 Farm Bill programs. We have heard some concerns out of the tree fruit industry and the Christmas tree growers and grape growers that the November/December freezes are going to be extremely damaging.

Lewis says this is a good opportunity for growers who haven’t been in to their local FSA office to see what other programs might be useful. He talks a little about the process for TAP.

LEWIS: The requirement changes a little bit recently. You have to apply in an FSA office where you’re administered within 90 days of when the loss becomes apparent and also this is one of the disaster programs that has a linkage requirement so the grower either has to have crop insurance or one of our NAP or Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program policies to be eligible for this additional assistance.

Producers must have lost more than 15 percent of their identified stand due to the natural disaster after adjustments for normal mortality to be eligible.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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