Checking the Apple Harvest

Checking the Apple Harvest

Checking the Apple Harvest. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report. The apple harvest continues throughout the northwest and with the weather changing you will see renewed activity to bring it all in as soon as possible. Todd Fryhover, President of the Washington Apple Commission says they have passed the halfway mark. FRYHOVER: I would say in general we're 80 to 90% harvested. We've had excellent weather to date and it's allowed our growers to pick in an orderly manner. We have about 10 to 20% left and the weather has improved over the weekend so it looks like we're going to be just fine. A quick look at the local supermarket shows a great variety of fresh apples with only a few yet to come. FRYHOVER: Most growers have harvested most varieties depending on elevation and the varieties remaining to harvest are Cripps Pink which is the latest variety in the state of Washington and there's still a few Fuji's as well as some Braeburn's and Granny Smith out there yet to harvest. Fryhover says that the quality is good but over numbers will be down. FRYHOVER: The initial crop report in August came out at just slightly under 109-million. The thought is out there that I'm able to gather from our growers is that they are picking out short. Looks like we could be 5 to 7% under estimate. That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.
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