Nothing But Potatoes

Nothing But Potatoes

There aren't many who haven't heard of the man who ate nothing but fast food for a month, put on an outrageous amount of weight, and nearly ruined his physical health in the process. The Washington Potato Commission executive director has decided to do the same type of extended diet experimentation with potatoes only with an interesting twist; his diet will consist of eating nothing but potatoes every day, but no sour cream, gravy, butter, or cheese, only potatoes for two months in order to prove how nutritious potatoes really are. All this came about due to the USDA dropping potatoes this year from the federal food voucher program for women and children. Potatoes actually surpass many vegetables in vitamin and mineral content. It's what we add to potatoes as condiments that can cause weight gain issues. Potatoes on their own, garnished with natural herbs and seasonings are a healthy addition to any daily diet. It will definitely be interesting to see the final outcome of this experimental potato diet. My guess is he'll maintain his current weight, or even have a slight weight loss, and his over all physical health will have improved.
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