Sugar Battles

Sugar Battles

In the highly publicized fisticuffs between cane sugar and high fructose corn syrup it appears, despite flooding the consumer market with ads on how the two sugars nutritionally are merely two sides of the same coin, HFCS has still found itself on the mat and out for the count. So what to do when all else fails? Change your name apparently. After a tumultuous year of finding HFCS always presented as the nutritional villain in the fight on obesity, high fructose corn syrup producers have petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to change the name high fructose corn syrup to "corn sugar", hoping that will remove the mantle of doom and gloom that hangs over HFCS. This tactic just may work where documented scientific evidence hasn't seemed to. Changing a product name has worked well for numerous companies in the past, from toys, to cooking oils, to airplanes; history would appear to back up the "name change approach". It will prove interesting to see how the battle of the "sugars" plays out. Which sugar will become the reigning champ? Will it be cane sugar, or the newly renamed corn sugar?
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