Long Term Problem

Long Term Problem

Mr. Potato Head would be happy indeed, but not to such an extent that he would switch from his pleasant smile to a full toothy grin. With Mexico dropping the tariff on U.S. frozen potato products down to five percent from twenty percent the potato industry here will have a better chance of recouping some of the business that has been lost to Canada. Canada still has the advantage with no Mexican tariff on potatoes in place there, but it also costs them more to ship their product. While the fifteen percent drop in the tariff certainly helps ease the pressure on potato growers the removal of high tariffs by Mexico on apples, onions, sweet corn and other commodities grown in the U.S. remains up in the air. With basically every major agriculture organization being hit by this issue and hit hard, one would hope the Obama administration would quickly realize growers cannot continue doing business this way and step up to the bartering table with a solution. Sadly it's looking like there's not going to be a quick fix for this issue anytime in the near future and it has every ear mark of turning into a long term problem.
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