Battling the Big One & Hastings Sees Uncertainty. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.
Firefighters in eastern Idaho are facing the nation's largest wildfire blaze but hope to have it contained. The fire has torched well over 170 square miles of southeastern Idaho desert on the Idaho National Laboratory nuclear site and it was unclear how the blaze started. The fire, about seven miles northeast of the 25-person hamlet of Atomic City, has now burned an area equal to about a fifth of the 890-square-mile site that has served as a federal U.S. Department of Energy nuclear research facility since 1949.
Washington Congressman Doc Hastings has been talking to a lot of people in the NW over the last week about how business is doing in the region and he says there still remains a lot of uncertainty.
HASTINGS: In talking to people in my district whether you are talking to the agriculture industry or just general business or with members of service clubs there's a great deal of angst, there's some uncertainty and I think the uncertainty stems a great deal about the overall economy and also by the actions the federal government hasn't taken and frankly the Democrat controlled Congress with the deficits we are running.
Now here's today's Washington Grange Report.
That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.