Heat Causing Problems & Expanding Geothermal System plus Food Forethought. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.
I wasn't sure I was going to get to say this, this year but it's hot! And that heat is already causing some problems for workers across the NW. Many areas of the NW are experiencing their first real taste of hot weather and many people are seeking relief as temperatures are expected well into the 90's across the region according to meteorologist Tim Creek.
CREEK: We've lost that weak storm track from the west, the high pressure from the north has become the dominant feature and I expect through the middle of this month sunny, hot and dry weather with temperatures above average much of the time. In fact by this weekend maybe Saturday or Sunday, 100 degrees is expected and that should continue into at least the middle of next week before we would see some minor cooling.
Boise State University will be getting some heat from an expanded geothermal system. The planned $5.5 million expansion will heat 6 buildings during phase one projected to be completed late next year. Nearly half of the project cost, $2.4 million, will come from the U.S. Department of Energy. The remainder of the money will come from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the city of Boise and BSU. The existing geothermal pipeline carries water from the Foothills to heat close to 55 buildings in Boise and the expansion will potentially save Boise State $80,000 a year in heating costs,
Now with today's Food Forethought, here's Lacy Gray.
Buckle up folks, its going to be a bumpy ride. The federal government has officially sued Arizona over its new immigration law, proving that if all else fails the powers that be in Washington will always play the pre-emption, or "my law is bigger than your law", game. Skirting around the real issue at play, strict immigration laws that may violate civil rights, and citing that federal law trumps state law federal lawyers are hoping for an open and shut case. But it just may not play out quite as slick as they are hoping. Under close scrutiny the new Arizona immigration law is attempting to prohibit conduct already considered illegal under federal law. And isn't that the key word, illegal. Since pre-emption is used to remove laws that are contrary to federal law they may have a tough time selling to any judge that the Arizona law, which mirrors federal immigration law nearly verbatim, is undermining any federal immigration laws. Lost in all this is that the words "immigrant" and "illegal" are not one and the same. This country was built up by immigrants who chose to become American citizens through legal channels. America wasn't anti-immigrant then and it isn't anti-immigrant now.
Thanks Lacy. That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.