In case you weren't aware June is National Dairy Month. As far as I am concerned, every month should be considered Dairy Month! I truly love all things dairy; cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream, the list could go on and on. I don't recall ever meeting anyone who didn't like some form of dairy. Cheese would have to be at the top of my list though, and because dairy is high in protein, good for teeth and bones, and contains a multitude of vitamins and minerals it is so "not" a guilty pleasure! And now that scientists have discovered that dairy aids in athletic performance and muscle recovery it just doesn't make sense to spend a lot of money on expensive sports drinks when milk is affordable and handy. Greek athletes knew about the importance of dairy more than five thousand years ago, so encouraging children, teenagers, and persons of all ages to enjoy milk, cheese and yogurt as a nutritional snack and pick me up should be a "no brainer". So to all dairy farmers around the world, my family thanks you, and we raise a glass of milk, lift a piece of cheese and celebrate all things dairy in your honor.