Flying Cowboys
Leave it to cowboys.... Oh we’re not supposed to profile anyone but if you get on an airplane, watch for the guys in cowboy hats. I’m Susan this is Open Range. One of pro-rodeos most acclaimed team ropers recently tried bulldogging... on an airplane. On May second while flying a Delta puddle jumper from Helena to Salt Lake City, team roper Clay O’Brian Cooper observed a fellow passenger attempting to push his way to the cockpit. The frightened attendant called for help, naturally, cowboy to the rescue. Cooper grabbed the guy from behind, pushed him into a seat and told him stay like he would an out of control border collie. Meanwhile they diverted the flight to Twin Falls so air marshals could arrest Matthew Kleindorfer, age 32. Kleindorfer who behaved like a good cow dog under Coopers’s watch, became a terrier when the police officers arrived, kicking one twice before being taking into custody and jail. Cooper winner of seven team roping world championship titles was quoted by Pro Rodeo Sports News as saying that “A lot of things are going through your mind in a situation like that,” “You don’t know if he is going to try to open the main cabin door or if he’s going to turn violent. Then survival mode kicks in, and you know you have to get control of things or it will turn out badly.” Cooper had been in Helena putting on a roping school with his heading partner Jake Barnes. Maybe we don’t’ need a bunch of air marshals on planes just more flying cowboys. I’m Susan Allen