Welcome to Vine to Wine this is your host Linda Moran. Today is Food and wine pairing day and we are going to explore some of our favorite wines and the herbs that seem to go with them.
At this time of year we begin enjoying the resurgence of our herb gardens and preparing foods with fresh herbs. Today we are going to decide which herbs to season our dinner with, by first selecting our wine. For example, let's say that we are really in the mood for Cabernet Sauvignon. It is a versatile wine that seems to work well with many different herbs such as Rosemary, Mint, Sage or surprisingly enough French Tarragon. It can be included in sauces, mayonnaise, marinades and salad dressings. If French Tarragon is not your thing, consider Rosemary for almost any meat from beef to lamb to chicken or pork; all do well with your Cabernet Sauvignon. Now if you are in a Zinfandel mood, whip up some mixed herb pesto with a focus on mint. Zinfandel and those types of pesto seem to have a true affinity for one another. If you are a fan of Sauvignon Blanc, look no farther than that lacey clump of dill to add to a sauce for your salmon or a butter for your potatoes or pasta. If you enjoy Chardonnay there are a few herbs that go really well with it; herbs like sage and lemon thyme. So stop selecting your wine to go with your meal and start seasoning your food to go with your wine! And thanks for joining me on today's Vine to Wine!