Anti-Meat Activists

Anti-Meat Activists

Talk till your blue in the face, some people just don't want to hear the truth. Either they can't handle it, or the truth would get in the way of their own personal agendas. In the case of anti-meat activism it's generally the later. But when countries get in on the act by promoting "meatless Mondays", as Canada has now chosen to do, anti-meat rhetoric has definitely gone from mildly annoying and irritating to a very real matter of concern. It's high time that these zealots be held accountable for the propaganda they push. The foundation for their anti-meat campaign is based on a five year old U.N. report that inaccurately claimed livestock producers were responsible for eighteen percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Experts today from several different government agencies, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, stand firm in their findings that all of agriculture contributes only 5.8 percent of GHG and the livestock portion of that number is less than three percent. So how do anti-meat activists manage to convince so many people, even countries? They just seem to have better marketing. Let's face it, if Sir Paul McCartney says it, it has to be fact, right?
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