He's Done It Again

He's Done It Again

Well, he’s done it again, Punxsutawney Phil, groundhog extraordinaire,  has managed to see his shadow forcing us all to endure another six weeks at least of winter. He’s even so proud of his prediction he posted a Twitter update and sent text messages announcing the fact. Phil better enjoy his notoriety and fame while he can. If People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have their way ground hog Phil will be replaced by a robotic groundhog for any future weather predictions. Never mind that Punxsutawney Phil is probably the most pampered groundhog to ever grace the weather channel,  PETA would much rather he be cold and hungry struggling to survive or just plain road kill than have any connection whatsoever with human endeavors. Does PETA really care about this particular groundhog or any other groundhog for that matter? No, but once again their delving into the realm of utter idiotic ideology brings them what they do care about, attention. And I can predict without any help from Punxsutawney Phil or a robotic alter ego that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals will continue to orchestrate such media stunts in order to make the evening news. 

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