The Cheese Diet

The Cheese Diet

I don’t know about you but I have never been one to make New Year’s resolutions. This year however might just be the year to start, and of course top of the list is the ever popular “lose that nagging ten extra pounds”. I actually got excited about the prospect though when I read the article about how eating cheese could help me get slimmer and stay that way. I have never found a cheese I didn’t like, some I didn’t care for as much as others, but I love most all cheeses. So imagine my surprise and utter delight when I found out that eating one ounce of cheese every day would help stoke my metabolism which in turn would help me thin up. Move over Pixie and Dixie there’s cheese to be enjoyed. In fact I think I will make a cheese diary and partake of a different cheese for every day of the week! I can list off five or six just off the top of my head; cheddar, Gouda, mozzarella, ricotta, Roquefort, and that’s just the tip of the cheese wheel! The list of cheese possibilities is practically endless. Yes sir, 2010 is looking to be a pretty good year after all. Could someone please pass the Colby Jack?

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