Why Toast?

Why Toast?

Welcome to Vine to Wine this is your host Linda Moran. I admire those individuals who are able to raise their glass at just the right moment and speak the perfect words to bring the group together. I think toasting is somewhat of an under rated art form. So what is with toasting, why do we do it?

My admiration of the person who can offer up a wonderful toast led me to ask people why they think we toast and why is it important to them? The answers were all lovely and I feel compelled to share a few of them with you. One of my favorites was a friend who says when he gives a toast it is imperative to him that it be in sincere adoration for the person he is directing it  and the object is he wishes to honor them and hug them with his words – he gives good toast. Another person expressed that to her a toast celebrates the coming together of the group and their shared interests and relationships. The other type of toast that was brought up often was the toast to wish someone well. Most often engaged in at events such as a wedding or retirement etc. This was a toast that most agreed should let the object of the toast know that you recognize this is a special time for them and you believe they are special as well. I personally like a sentimental heartfelt toast, one that actually says something profound. I am not one who is able to find those words and I often look to literature for inspiration and I have I admit plagiarized a line or two which inspired me and put it into the context of a toast.  A toast also needs to be delivered at the right moment, timing is everything. Plan your holiday toast this season and thanks for joining me on today’s Vine to Wine.

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