Pear Promotion

Pear Promotion

Pear Promotion. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

Fruit growers like to find unusual ways to get their products in front of the consumers. Dennis James, Marketing Director for Pear Bureau Northwest says it’s important to get it out there.

JAMES: Once you’ve got the retail ready you really need to generate that additional excitement out there with the consumer so that they come in and take full advantage of that display and all the good things that have been done.

Pear promotion in the northwest doesn’t really start taking off until much later in the year and James says:

JAMES: So what we need to do during this very busy time frame when people are going back to school, when retailers are resetting their racks and when you’ve got all this wonderful array of other product that has come into harvest is to draw attention to pears. Well pears are the 9th fruit item in the produce category today.

That makes the Pear Bureau’s job very difficult and a bit of an uphill battle.

JAMES: So we have to come up with some very creative dynamics that will capture that consumer’s awareness and really capture the vision of that retailer to understand here’s a profit and volume movement opportunity during this particular time frame and through a certain promotional approach and that’s exactly what we are doing with this group, Honor Society.

Tomorrow we will talk with Dennis James about this unusual but very exciting promotional tie-in.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Northwest Ag Information Network.

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