Improving Exports & Where did the Flu come from?
Improving Exports & Where did the Flu come from? I’m Greg Martin with today’s Northwest Report.
Congressman Doc Hastings has secured a verbal commitment from the Chairman of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee David Price in regards to dogs being used to screen exports
PRICE: I thank the gentleman and I certainly recognize the important role that canine teams play in screening perishable items like fruit and vegetables. It’s my intention that TSA use a portion of these funds to train additional canine teams for air cargo screening.
Fingers have been pointed Mexico as the source for the H1N1 virus or swine flu outbreak but officials are speculating that it really came from Asia. There is no hard evidence to support the speculation but federal ag officials are beginning to think the new H1N1 pandemic emerged in pigs in Asia and traveled to
Even with all of the focus on health care and energy in the nation’s capitol - immigration reform is still on the minds of the leadership. Senate Democrats have now outlined plans to reform the nation’s immigration laws. It would include a requirement for
Now here’s today’s Washington Grange Report.
That’s today’s Northwest Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Northwest Ag Information Network.