OIE Resolution Helps US  Cattlemen

OIE Resolution Helps US Cattlemen


A new World Organization for Animal Health resolution may help U.S. cattlemen. I'm Jeff Keane; I'll be right back with the details.The World Organization for Animal Health also know by its French acronym, OIE, just adopted a new resolution at a May 30th meeting in Paris, France. A new standard in regard to BSE concerns worldwide, states boneless beef from cattle of all ages may be eligible for import and export. The old rule limited these transactions to boneless beef under 30 months of age. The OIE also has declared Japan a controlled-risk country which is the same category as the United States and Canada. These two moves by the OIE should make it easier for the U.S. to import beef to Japan, which is good news to American cattle producers and exporters. Currently Japan requires U.S. boneless beef to be under 20 months of age. This has been a real obstacle to our cattle and beef producers because of the North American calving cycle. It would be nice if Japan follows OIE's guidelines for boneless beef of all ages to be qualified for world trade, but even moving from a 20 month limit to a 30 month limit would big improvement for U.S. exporters. Looks to me like our trade representatives could be able to work out a new agreement with Japan very quickly. Wait a minute, I forgot about the politics involved in trade negotiations - it may take awhile. I'm Jeff Keane.
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