Women In Ag

Women In Ag

There’s been a lot of talk lately about women in agriculture, and that’s a good thing; but truth be told, there have always been women in agriculture. My grandmother used to feed the cows and chickens, help plant and harvest crops, drive a wheat truck or tractor, and feed farm hands daily meals to boot; and we’re not talking frozen dinners, we’re talking the likes of fried chicken, potatoes and gravy, a veggie or two and dessert to finish it off! Women down through the generations have always worn numerous hats when it came to farming and ranching, and they continue to today; working just as hard as their mothers and grandmothers before them, at probably a much more dizzying pace. Today’s women in ag range anywhere from widows who have inherited the business to women fresh from college who are choosing farming as their career. All in all, women in ag are as diverse as the agriculture industry itself. Thankfully, through national media awareness these women are now getting the recognition and support which they so rightfully deserve.

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