Women In Ag

Women In Ag

At the risk of revealing my age I’m going to quote a 1970’s advertisement, “You’ve come a long way baby”. In this instance I’m referring to women in the agriculture industry.  Studies show that it is no longer just a man’s world when it comes to running a farming or ranching operation. More and more women are finding that they truly enjoy the role of being the sole operator of a farming business. Of course there have always been women throughout the ages who have successfully done this, but generally they have had to step in as principal farm operators due to the absence or loss of a male counterpart. Today however finds women drawn to the agriculture industry not because they have to but because they choose to and actually enjoy the agricultural lifestyle. The national census shows that women operate nearly a fourth of all farming or ranching operations in the nation, and the numbers continue to grow. That being said, the only thing I can add is, “You go girl”.

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