Revisiting cologne & wine tasting

Revisiting cologne & wine tasting

Welcome to Vine to Wine this is your host Linda Moran and today we are revisiting an age old dilemma in the tasting room. I have often mentioned the appropriate etiquette to be used when out wine tasting. I recently had a wine tasting ruined by people wearing too much aftershave and parking themselves at the tasting bar as though they had reservations. What can we do?

The topic of wine tasters behaving badly comes up often and unless you can think of a nice way to approach this topic with a stranger there may be nothing you can do about it. However, let’s hope they are listening and I will once again highlight a few rules of common etiquette when you are visiting wineries, especially on a busy weekend. Please, perfume, cologne and aftershave are not to be worn, as they will overpower the fragrance of wine. Step back away from the bar after your wine is poured, allowing you room to focus on your wine, and the person serving wine the room to pour for another visitor. If you are spitting or dumping out remaining wine move close to the receptical – never reach across - so as not to splash anyone. If any members of your group are inebriated and obnoxious, be responsible and cut them off or take them home. It is not fair to others and chances are they don’t find it entertaining. If you have questions by all means ask them and be positive. As my Mom once said “if you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all”.  Remember to send your wine questions to Linda at Vine to Wine dot net and thank you for joining me on today’s Vine to Wine.

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