Cowboy Shooting

Cowboy Shooting

Susan Allen
Susan Allen

There are those days when life's just too hectic, commercial and far too technical for this rancher and sometimes I long for the old West. Well some folks today actually get to experience it! I'm Jeff Keane and after the break I will tell you about a sport that is booming both nationally and internationally. Seventy five thousand people in all fifty states and eighteen foreign countries compete in SASS, single action shooting society immersing themselves in the culture of the West through cowboy action shooting. Sounds fun doesn't it Susan? I love the period outfits and firearms but I am especially intrigued by the mounted shooting division. I have enough trouble throwing a rope off my horse, let alone firing two .45 single action revolvers at a full run. Jeff, mounted shooting combines the skills used in barrel racing, pole bending, and reining in a timed event and it is open to all breeds of horses. Susan, I think it is kind of neat that they use registered alias's, like Calico Star or Cowboy Cal  So what name would you pick?  Annie Oakley,  I ike the cute little skirt but I would never hear the end of it from my boys who have seen me bird hunt. Miss Kitty? I'll leave that alone but I will invite our listeners to watch a mounted shooting exhibit, they might just end up joining one of the fastest growing equestrian sports.

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