Search: merger
37 Results
37 Results
The Agribusiness Update
Farm Credit of Central Florida and Southwest Georgia Farm Credit have announced unanimous agreement to merger, and a Texas federal court halted the implementation of the Corporate Transparency Act’s beneficial ownership reporting requirements.
The Agribusiness Update
An agreement would pay farmers participating in the “deficit irrigation” program if they stop irrigating and sacrifice one or two hay cuttings, and retail sales of U.S. potatoes increased by both volume and dollar sales in July 2023-thru-June of this year.
The Agribusiness Update
University of Florida Extension is working with its Agriculture and Biological Engineering Department to launch a new Farm Technology Field Day, and retail sales of U.S. potatoes increased by both volume and dollar sales in July 2023-thru-June of this year.
Line on Agriculture
R-Calf United Stockgrowers of America, CEO Bill Bullard says that they are looking for a new bill to address acquisitions with a market concentration threshold.
The Agribusiness Update
Canada requests talks with Mexico over biotech corn import ban, and Helios Articial Intelligence launches open beta of platform to identify ag supply chain disruptions.
The Agribusiness Update
Preliminary assessments of the agricultural losses tied to Hurricane Ian hit $1.5 billion, and National Corn Growers Association calls on policymakers to use ethanol as a solution to the nation's fuel supply problems.
The Agribusiness Update
China sets goal to become self-sufficient in pork production, and four of the largest equipment dealer associations talk merger.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Big merger changes ag landscape and what BASF has to offer.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Big merger changes landscape and what BASF has to offer.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
BASF portfolio grows with more than $9-billion worth of assets acquired during the Bayer-Monsanto merger.
The Agribusiness Update
U.S. trade deal with Mexico could move forward without Canada, and SNAP relief for North Carolina Florenc victims.
The Agribusiness Update
Bayer CEO tries to sooth investor worries, and Canadian Dairy herd reaches 10 year high.
The Agribusiness Update
The waiting is over as Bayer and Monsanto prepare to merge, and Farm Bill negotiations pick up.
Land & Livestock Report
Bayer Ag to Drop the 'Monsanto' Name After Completed Merger
The Agribusiness Update
Department of Justice grants permission for Bayer-Monsanto merger, and Missouri could be first state to enact fake-meat labeling laws.
The Agribusiness Update
Bayer reduces earnings expectations from Monsanto merger, and European Union frustrates farm and biotech industries with roadblocks for genetically modified foods.
The Agribusiness Update
Republicans push farm bill through House Ag Committee, and VP Pence optimistic NAFTA deal done soon.
The Agribusiness Update
Rain and snow hit California as possible drought relief, and Bayer clears big hurdle with European Union approval of Monsanto takeover.
The Agribusiness Update
DowDupont will call its post-merger company Corteva Agriscience, and USDA official booed and laughed at by anti-hunger group over SNAP replacement food boxes.
The Agribusiness Update
The Cattle industry hopes to educate public on its sustainability, and Bayer makes more concessions to EU in Monsanto merger.