Search: integrate
28 Results
28 Results
Farm of the Future
On the road to a productive and profitable crop, farmers have to face a number of challenges. Few are more relentless than weed pressure.
Farm of the Future
There is definitely a trend in the agricultural inputs industry to come up with more biological solutions.
The Agribusiness Update
Federal grants will help teachers integrate food and agriculture sciences in their classrooms, and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says more relief is on the way.
The Agribusiness Update
Florida Ag Commissioner Nikki Fried encouraging a fuel plan for hurricane season, and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says more pandemic relief is on the way.
California Ag Today
Populations have been low in the first two flights so far this season in the northern San Joaquin valley.
California Ag Today
A new article on the Journal of Integrated Pest Management details 11 true bug pests and their management in almond orchards.
California Ag Today
Get your free copy of the “Burrowing Rodents” guide on the UCANR website.
California Ag Today
Trapping is often insufficient for high density vole populations. Some growers may consider reducing vegetation.
Farm of the Future
Peptides have really caught on in human medicine, and they may have similar potential to displace chemical insecticides.
Fruit Grower Report
There are good and bad mites in apple orchards, the bad mites damages foliage and good mites eat bad mites. They are known as pest mites and predatory mites and in a recent talk Dr. Tara Baugher from Penn State Integrated Pest Management Program, tells us how to check our trees for both.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Jennifer Andreas, Director of the WSU Extension Integrated Weed Control Project, gives some insight as to the types of weeds biocontrol works best with.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
There are many tools available for successful integrated weed management - herbicides, mechanical and cultural methods, and biocontrol.