Search: gross
10 Results
10 Results
Idaho Ag Today
Idaho farmers and ranchers brought in a record $11.3 billion in farm-gate receipts in 2024, but that doesn’t tell the real story.
Idaho Ag Today
Registration will be open through Dec. 13 for an annual University of Idaho Extension seminar featuring presentations on input cost analysis.
Idaho Ag Today
In January, University of Idaho agricultural economists told legislators they estimated Idaho’s 22,800 farms and ranches brought in a total of $11.157 billion.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Staggering farm input costs are driving Ag profits into the ground.
The Agribusiness Update
Wineries, large and small, are adjusting marketing during COVID-19 pandemic, and President-elect Biden says he will not immediately remove Phase 1 trade agreement with China.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Interest increasing for the RMA Livestock Risk Protection program for fed cattle, feeder cattle and swine and the Livestock Gross Margin program for swine.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
DOE reminds applicants of water rights deadline, upcoming RMA sales closing dates, and final scoping meetings for Cherry Point export terminal project set for this week.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Additional funding available for Livestock Gross Margin-Dairy insurance.
Food Forethought
There is something to said about one renewable energy source but there is also the "gross out factor."