Search: easement
13 Results
13 Results
Southeast Regional Ag News
Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson has announced the permanent protection of Bar Rocking C Ranch, a 1,070-acre cattle operation in Highlands County, through the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Last week Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson announced the protection of over 8,000 acres of Florida agricultural land through the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Rural and Family Lands Protection Program
Southeast Regional Ag News
On Monday, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson announced the preservation of three family farms in the Florida Wildlife Corridor through the state’s Rural and Family Lands Protection Program.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
There are benefits and pitfalls, with conservation easements, typically involve the agency you select. For farmers and ranchers who may be considering entering in to conservation easements, Cattlemen's Agricultural Land Trust Executive Director Erik Glenn advises that you choose your partners wisely
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Picking the right partners are critical especially with the entity that holds the conservation easement because you will be taking that partner on for perpetuity
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
More and more farmers are choosing to work with a land trust organization to conserve and protect their land.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
There are more than twenty land trust organizations across Washington state, many of them in farmland work
Colorado Ag Today
The deadline for comments is coming up for the Ag Conservation Easement Program.
Colorado Ag Today
A new program could help tribal and ag lands.
Northwest Report
A long-timw NW company is recognized by the Dept. of Ecology...Oregon is looking at easements...and Lacy has a bonding experience.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The state's apple harvest is in full swing and could turn out to be another record crop, and millions in conservation funding being invested to protect and restore key farmlands, grasslands and wetlands across the nation.
Line on Agriculture
Planning for future generations of farmers is important now, more than ever. Rural land is rapidly diminishing to the tune of some two-million acres a year and more than half of that is farmland.
Line on Agriculture
Since its enactment in 2006 - a tax incentive has helped America's land trusts protect 535-thousand more acres with conservation easements than in the two years prior to enactment.