Search: 2016
25 Results
25 Results
Idaho Ag Today
Matt Gellings broke both of his legs and couldn’t walk for six months after he crashed his snowmobile into a snow-covered stump in January of 2016.
Idaho Ag Today
USDAs latest quarterly look at small grains provided a final view of those crops for the 2024 growing season, with emphasis on wheat.
The Agribusiness Update
Now that the farm bill extension reached its deadline, what’s next, and the September Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer hit its lowest readings since March 2016.
The Agribusiness Update
As California farmers prepare for groundwater cutbacks with implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, they are trying to stretch every drop, and U.S. wheat production for 2024-25 is forecast at 2.008 billion bushels, the largest crop since 2016-17.
The Agribusiness Update
Farm lenders and financial experts sent a letter to Ag leaders urging Congress to strengthen U.S. sugar policy in the Farm Bill and oppose efforts to weaken the farm safety net, and U.S. wheat production for 2024-25 is forecast at 2.008 billion bushels, the largest crop since 2016-17.
The Agribusiness Update
Demand is strong for Christmas trees in California, and USDA announces withdrawal of Horse Protection Act regulations.
The Agribusiness Update
Uncertainty and panic over the Omicron variant causes the cotton market prices to drop significantly in recent weeks, and USDA announces withdrawal of 2016 proposed rule amending the Horse Protection Act regulations.
Fruit Grower Report
The numbers are in and show the COVID-19 pandemic wiped out nearly four years of robust growth for Oregon's wine industry.
Fruit Grower Report
The numbers are in and show the COVID-19 pandemic wiped out nearly four years of robust growth for Oregon's wine industry.
Fruit Grower Report
The numbers are in and show the COVID-19 pandemic wiped out nearly four years of robust growth for Oregon's wine industry.
The Agribusiness Update
American Farm Bureau Federation president Zippy Duvall hails year-round E15 decision, and U.S. agriculture exports fall to lowest since 2016.
The Agribusiness Update
July tractor sales up, and farm country support for Trump slipping.
The Agribusiness Update
A Republican and Democrat join forces to introduce legislation to improve Agriculture Risk Coverage, and French take hard-line on labeling alt-meat products.
Fruit Grower Report
2017 wine grape harvest lower, but quality is great.
The Agribusiness Update
China lowers certain cheese tariffs, and USDA forecasts more stable farm incomes.
The Agribusiness Update
An Ohio State University professor predicts farm income increase after four down years, and the number of cattle in feedlots continues to grow.
The Agribusiness Update
Farm State Senators holding EPA Chief Pruitt to his RFS reassurances, and Monsanto files complaint against Arkansas over Dicamba restrictions.
Idaho Ag Today
Alliance celebrates a successful year of bridging the communication gap between farm and fork
Fruit Grower Report
Wine grape growers celebrate record 2016 crop