Search: resistance
44 Results
44 Results
Idaho Ag Today
University of Idaho researchers are introducing genes from a specific plant into potatoes in an effort to develop spuds that are resistant to harmful nematodes.
The Agribusiness Update
The Oregon Department of Agriculture has rewritten its regulations on dairies, following push back from small farmers, and farmers are looking to weeding robots as herbicide resistance solution.
The Agribusiness Update
Bloomberg reports that "oranges and some citrus trees are lying useless on the ground in Florida's groves after Hurricane Milton, and farmers are looking to weeding robots as herbicide resistance solution.
The Agribusiness Update
USDA researchers find potential remedy that boosts a citrus tree’s natural resistance to diseases, and RFA sends letter to EPA Administrator blasting the agency’s Science Advisory Board.
The Agribusiness Update
The non-dairy labeling fight continues, and Canada sides with U.S. over Mexico's ban on genetically modified corn.
Farm of the Future
As the growing season ramps up, unfortunately so does weed pressure.
Line on Agriculture
Kyle Strachila is a crop protection field sales representative for Bayer Crop Science in the Columbia Basin and Northern Columbia Plateau in Washington State.
California Ag Today
Weed resistance is a never-ending challenge for U.S. farmers. As more weeds become resistant to herbicides, there are a number of things farmers need to focus on when planning for weed control.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Researchers at the University of Idaho, according to professor Alexander Karasev, are looking for ways improve and protect potatoes from necrotic viruses.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Researchers at the University of Idaho, according to professor Alexander Karasev, are looking for ways improve and protect potatoes from necrotic viruses.
Farm of the Future
In order to help farmers manage herbicide-resistant kochia and other weeds, Bayer Crop Science has developed Huskie FX.
California Ag Today
There appears to be a new type of watergrass that is resistant to many of our commonly-used herbicides.
Farm of the Future
WeedOUT hopes to become a very important tool in the toolbox to fight resistant weeds like Palmer amaranth.
Southeast Regional Ag News
UGA's Stanley Culpepper says pigweed and ryegrass are two of the most adaptable weeds that can develop this resistance.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Palmer amaranth, or pigweed continues to adapt resistance to herbicides.
California Ag Today
Since the 1930s, UC Davis has had one of the leading strawberry breeding programs in the world.
The Agribusiness Update
The Produce Marketing Association 2019 Fresh Summit sees record turnout.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Oregon State University researchers study the benefits of vitamins when growing potatoes.