Search: cdfa
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12 Results
California Ag Today
If this year’s rain has impacted your land or commodity, you might qualify for some loan assistance programs. San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau’s Executive Director Brent Burchett…
California Ag Today
CDFA experts say it’s hard to say how the virus entered California. Joining us again, Victoria Hornbaker is director of the California Department of Food and Agriculture Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Division.
California Ag Today
Welcome back to our discussion on the Citrus Yellow Vein Clearing Virus. Joining us again, Victoria Hornbaker is director of the California Department of Food and Agriculture Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Division.
California Ag Today
Here are a few ag policy related updates courtesy of the California Farm Bureau Federation.
California Ag Today
Continued collaboration to manage the vector for Pierce's Disease is critical for crops like grapes and citrus.
California Ag Today
Coordinated efforts to control the glassy-winged sharpshooter have been successful so far.
California Ag Today
Our industry lost a long standing pillar of leadership and inspiration last month.
California Ag Today
The CDFA has extended the deadline for the Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP) to April 27th.
California Ag Today
The CDFA has the Healthy Soils Program, which provides grant money to farmers looking to make investments in soil health building practices.
California Ag Today
California Department of Food and Agriculture includes whole orchard recycling program in their healthy soils incentive program.
The Agribusiness Update
At least on Democrat isn't predicting Red Wave in November, and action low after USDA & WASDE crop reports.