How the US Sheep Industry is Faring

How the US Sheep Industry is Faring

Lorrie Boyer
Lorrie Boyer
More now from the American Sheep Industry Association. Land producers outside drought-affected areas are faring well with feed availability, but other parts of the industry continue to grapple with the lingering effects of COVID-19. Peter Orwick, executive director of ASI, shares an update on the state of the sheep industry.

“The input costs, as it is, with every aspect of agriculture, is just very difficult to deal with. So if you don't have a stellar market to cover those costs, it's painful financially, and unfortunately for us, we still have too much wool stacked around the world from the pandemic, so that market is not as hot as it was before COVID.”

Orwich further discusses the current state of the land market and its position within the industry.

“The lamb market has been very strong, but when you get to the prices at the farm gate, it's not at the record highs that it was in the 2020 lamb crop, 2021 lamb crops, which were record prices. So the input compares the markets. That's a stressor. But you know, with that said, we do have some better feed and hay prices.”

Peter Orwig, Executive Director of the American Sheep Industry Association.

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