GUSS Launches New Herbicide Sprayer

GUSS Launches New Herbicide Sprayer

Tim Hammerich
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
This is Tim Hammerich of the Ag Information Network with your Farm of the Future Report.

GUSS Automation has made their way onto many orchards over the past few years with their completely unmanned spray systems. However these GUSS machines only spray the foliage of trees and vines and not weeds on the floor of the orchard or vineyard. GUSS’ Gary Thompson says that’s about to change with their new herbicide GUSS.

Thompson… “The next logical thing was an herbicide machine. Because really we kind of took the same platform as our air blast, we just removed the fan off the back of it, put some spray booms on it, and we're spraying weeds in an orchard. So manufacturing wise, it's very efficient to build the same platform for the most part. And that machine does have sensors on it, so it'll spot spray weeds as it's going through the orchard. Typically, we're saving somewhere around 60, 68% of the chemical as we're going through the orchard. Really exciting for us because, you know, you have a 600 gallon spray tank and saving that kind of material. I mean, we'll run seven, eight hours sometimes on one tank of chemical on that machine, which is just a beautiful thing to watch in an orchard.”

Thompson said this new machine is in response to repeated requests from their grower customers.

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