Additional Funding Creates More Opportunity to Promote US Whet

Additional Funding Creates More Opportunity to Promote US Whet

Lorrie Boyer
Lorrie Boyer
The second round of Regional Agricultural Promotion Program. Funding has been released from the USDA, with us wheat associates receiving a share to further its efforts in promoting wheat exports. US wheat associates, Vice President of Communications, Steve Mercer,

“US Wheat Associates actually applied for $25.5 million worth of activities. We received an award this time of $12 million similar to what we received before. I think it just shows how much interest and and need there is for that additional funding. All those organizations, I think, were applied for a significantly more money than the $300,000 so the foreign ag service made the decision on how to distribute that money.”

Mercer states that US wheat Associates is exploring additional opportunities for the funding, aiming to expand into new markets. A key focus is on increasing exports of hard red winter wheat to West Africa.

“With this funding, we're able to reach out and into those West African countries, so Ghana, Cameroon, the COVID War, and all of those countries that have, you know, a strong opportunity there, but we've never had the bandwidth, really to expand into the countries like that.”

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