Benefits of Reduce-Till Systems Explained

Lorrie Boyer
“With reduced till you just stop tilling as much. There's a lot of you know secondary benefits be that come from not tilling your soils, which are erosion control, better, better or better control on erosion, whether it be wind or moisture, erosion, biodiversity in the soil, so healthy bugs and health healthy organisms under underground. When you, when you till a field, it it disturbs all the all the soil and all the microbes and the healthy stuff in the ground that helps the ground be more sustainable and be more healthy. It destroys all of that. So by reducing your tillage, or going even to no-till, in some situations, will, you know, inhibit those microorganisms to grow and start the cycle which increases your organic matter, which is very important to farmers, and also, at the same time as it increases your organic matter, your carbon goes up.”
Winter Says that cover crops are key to keeping a nutrient process going in order to store carbon in the soil.
And one other note, there is a carbon calculator on the website.