AI for Potatoes Pt 1

AI for Potatoes Pt 1

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson. Potatoes USA, the marketing arm for U.S.-grown potatoes, is putting together an artificial intelligence tool to combat misinformation on social media.

Potatoes USA President Blair Richardson explains how they’ll use AI to help fix some of the more common misperceptions …

RICHARDSON … “Well, we are working on creating an artificial intelligence system that will actually monitor, track what’s happening on social media. So, Twitter for example, what’s the sentiment about potatoes? There’s thousands of Tweets every day about potatoes. A lot of them are very, just basic. Someone will say, I just made a baked potato, and I loved it, or whatever it is. But some of them are misinformation, that they say potatoes make you fat, for example, or potatoes are not good if you have diabetes, which these are scientifically proven to not be accurate statements.”

And, Richardson says thanks to one of their potato allies …

RICHARDSON … “So, we use the research that the Alliance for Potato Research and Education has been investing in for the past 15 years and that body of evidence, plus all the other research that’s out there about potatoes, that the industry didn’t fund, to come up with an answer or a response to those things, whenever there’s something that’s incorrectly stated about potatoes.”

Tune in tomorrow for more on using AI to help correct misinformation about potatoes.

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