American Pecan Board Nominees and Rural Economy Still Uncertain

American Pecan Board Nominees and Rural Economy Still Uncertain

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is your Agribusiness Update.

**The USDA seeks nominees for the American Pecan Promotion Board, needed to fill six seats for members with terms beginning October 1, 2025, and ending September 30, 2028.

The deadline for nominations is Feb. 15th, for three producer seats representing the Eastern region and three importer seats.

The Eastern region consists of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, or other Eastern time zone states, or U.S. territories in the Atlantic.

**House Speaker Mike Johnson announced a last-minute breakthrough to help farmers.

A must-pass bill to avert a government shutdown will now include farm aid, giving farmers something to celebrate the Christmas season.

Johnson says high-pressure lobbying efforts by him and multiple farm groups have paid off.

Johnson says this final package starts with $10 billion, along with the $2 billion USDA announced in November for specialty crops.

**The U.S. continues benefiting from solid economic growth, low unemployment, and moderating inflation, with the overall economy likely to continue on that trajectory, but the rural economic outlook is more uncertain.

According to CoBank’s Knowledge Exchange, the high level of policy uncertainty facing rural industries adds to their already long list of headwinds.

CoBank’s Rob Fox says access to export markets and labor availability are critically important for ag producers and processors.

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