National Cattlemen's Beef Association Testifies on Federal Grazing Permits
Lorrie Boyer
“The House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands held a hearing to discuss a number of pieces of legislation. We were thankful to have two individuals come up and testify on behalf of ranchers across the West. We had Jeff Young, president of the Utah Cattlemen's Association, along with Sherry Brennan, who is from California and is a PLC rancher and member, they came up to testify on the number of pro-grazing, pro-ranching measures that were before the subcommittee. The first Sherry testified on behalf of Congressman Lamalfa’s Bill, which would basically require the USDA to utilize targeted grazing as a means of wildfire risk reduction. And Jeff Young, President Utah Cattleman Association, testified on behalf of Congressman Curtis's operation and operational flexibility and grazing management program. Act of 2023, and Congressman Vasquez is ranching without red tape act of 2023.”
Edmonds says the subcommittee showed strong receptiveness to the information presented from NCBA, and they expressed support for key pieces of legislation. For reference., Representative Doug LaMalfa is a Republican from California. Congressman John Curtis is a Republican from Utah, and Congressman Gabe Vasquez is a Democrat from New Mexico.