Chevron Deference Overturned Pt 2

Chevron Deference Overturned Pt 2

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson. The Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn the 1984 Chevron Deference decision will now hand the decision making on laws back to the legislature.

U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse says there’s no question, our workload will be greater and our jobs tougher …

NEWHOUSE … “Because we will have to be much more directive, much more specific. We can’t just have words in legislation that basically says, let the agencies figure it out. We’re going to have to give that direction so that agencies have specific instruction on what our intention is.”

The decision, Newhouse says is already top-of-mind …

NEWHOUSE … “Already, just since the Supreme Court’s decision, almost every conversation that I’ve been in when we’re talking about proposed legislation, this subject comes up, that we have to be more specific in what we mean. We can’t be general in our intent, Congressional intent, legislative intent.”

As for decisions about agriculture, Newhouse says it should help …

NEWHOUSE … “Impacts to the agricultural industry will not be dependent on the whims of whatever administration happens to be in office but will be more closely following statutory law.”

Newhouse says this decision reiterates the Constitutional premise that Congress is tasked with making the laws that are interpreted by the courts, not unelected bureaucrats.

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