A Complete Picture of Water Balance
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
There is nothing more fundamental to producing a crop than water. But getting the optimal amount of water to every plant in a field every time is a real challenge. Getting a complete picture of the water balance in a field can help says Jessi Korinek of Nave Analytics.
Korinek… “Because we have this complete soil moisture map root zone deep. We also do the crop modeling, so based on crop type, plant date, what stage that crop is at and how much water it's using based on current weather conditions. All of this is field specific. We're able to create this complete picture. We know what's happening below ground. We know what's happening above ground, and we can give you all of that information to have a really clear picture. To make you know the decisions whenever you're going to make that irrigation decision. Do we need to look at some variable rate across the field? Is there different areas of the field that are performing differently? Just a flat rate? How much do we need to apply today? Is there rain in the forecast? Do we have enough moisture in the soil built up to maybe try to wait for that rain? It's working through that whole decision process of the ifs, ands, and trying to put some data behind that gut feel.”
You can learn more about the Nave Analytics platform at naveanalytics.com.