Second Farm Bill Framework Released
Lorrie Boyer
“So Boozman’s proposal, in a lot of ways, is very closely hewn towards the House Agriculture Committee bill that was reported out of committee a few weeks ago. So very similar to what Chairman Thompson put out and what was voted on back in May. So we see a lot of similarities on reference prices, and seems to be some small adjustments or tweaks between what the Thompson Bill has versus what the Boozman proposal has. Both, Chairman Thompson and Ranking Member Boozman talk a lot about putting more "farm" in the Farm Bill.”
Although there are a lot of similarities, Stranz says there are also some between these two Farm Bill framework versions.
“A few other points throughout the bill that compared to what the house is doing, Senator Boozman has a slightly different approach towards the mondi credit Corporation. On the House side, there's a lot of big restriction placed on what USDA can or can't do with CCC money. On the Bozeman approach, it's not as tight of restrictions, and we're still getting some more details about how exactly that works.”
The next up is for Democrats and Republicans in the Senate to come together and release their version of a farm bill framework.